Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Types of Investments - How They Make Your Money Grow
By Bruce A. Hoover

Are you trying to decide the types of investments you need to be associated with to make your money grow? Investments tend to fall into three broad categories. This includes cash, bonds and stocks. This is where the simplicity of the subject ends and it starts to get rather complicated from here on. The main reason is each of these broad categories has a number of sub-categories associated with it. This article will focus on the types of investments we think you should be associated with.

Each investment type comes with a lot of knowledge about how to use them effectively. However, you should also take note that the amount of information you need to master for any particular type of investment is directly related to the type of investor you choose to be. You can choose to be an aggressive, moderate or conservative type of investor. While keeping in mind that these investor types also are related to two levels of tolerance of risk. That is low risk and high risk.

Investors that consider themselves conservative investors tend to invest in cash. There investment decisions usually have them investing in Certificates of Deposit, Treasury Bills, Mutual Funds, Money Market Accounts and interest bearing savings accounts. The main idea is that these investments are the safest available while still being able to grow over a long period of time.

The Moderate type of investor will usually involve themselves in bonds, cash and a little stock trading. Their main point is to keep risk to a moderate to low level. Moderate investors may also find themselves investing in low risk real estate.

The Aggressive investor tends to concentrate the vast majority of their investing time and effort directed at the stock market. There investment portfolios can also include higher risk real estate and business ventures. There main motto is simply buy low and sell higher. Of course by including more riskier investment options into their portfolio they have to balance risk and reward to a much greater degree then the other two types of investors.

We would suggest that before you get your big investment plan started that you understand the various types of investments available to you and their associated risk and reward characteristics.

Are you a beginner investor who wants to find a way to minimize the risk associated with trading? Click here to read our Financial Product Reviews and learn about software that makes you money. Visit website and learn more ways to grow your investments.

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Lessons From the Tom Petters and Bernie Madoff Scandals
By Keith Tufte

Tom Petters (alleged) investment scheme is estimated to have cost his investors $3 billion in losses. Bernie Madoff's $50 billion Ponzi scheme has just blown up over the past few weeks. The $50 billion Madoff losses are the largest fraud-related investor losses in history by a wide margin. What lessons can investors learn from these recent giant fraud schemes to protect themselves in the future so they aren't duped as well?

1. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't true. Returns that are well above the market or that are amazingly consistent through any type of market demand lots of questions. Be skeptical. Petters was supposedly promising some investors big returns every 90 days. That is just not realistic and doesn't make common sense. Why didn't he just give investors a steady 12% return per year (or borrow at 6%-8%) and keep the rest for himself if it was such a great business/investment? Madoff supposedly produced equity returns that were amazingly consistent at +1% per month regardless of how much the stock market rose or fell during the month. Again that's too good to be true.

2. Don't chase returns. You are likely late if you are chasing great recent historical returns.

3. Risk is always highly correlated to returns. There is no free lunch. Be wary of guaranteed returns and/or promises of above market returns. If your manager is producing great above market returns, he is probably taking above average risk to get there. Be skeptical.

4. Wealthy people are often not any smarter or more ethical than regular people. Both of these investor frauds had lots of wealthy, smart people and companies as investors. Greed is a universal emotion that may even be stronger for wealthy people. The more you have, the more you want even more. Sometimes the rich are the "dumb money".

5. Trust, but verify. Ronald Reagan said it best. Some people who did their homework on Petters and Madoff decided not to invest. Get verification from third parties, referrals, background checks, brokerage statements from an un-related custodial brokerage firm. Do your due diligence to check things out or have an advisor you trust do it for you.

6. Beware of conflicts of interest. Petters was paying his associates million dollar bonuses to keep them happy and going along with the scheme. Bernie Madoff had his sons working for him and his brother-in-law was his accountant. Madoff owned the investment firm and the brokerage firm that was doing all the trades so it was much easier to fudge the numbers. Is the financial incentive of your investment manager/advisor aligned with your interests? Always? Ask the question.

7. Make sure your investment manager is using a separate, independent, and well-known broker/dealer as the custodian for your assets. Make sure your assets are at a custodian firm who is independent of the investment manager. Is it a custodian firm you have heard of? Madoff owned and ran both and therefore there was no outside party to verify things. The fox was guarding the henhouse. Madoff's client statements did not come from an independent custodian such as Fidelity, Schwab, or TD Ameritrade. They were from Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities, LLC. Madoff himself controlled what the statements said. Did Petters even use a custodian? Make sure you get regular statements from the independent custodian investment firm, not just from your investment advisor.

8. Never write checks or send deposits directly to your investment advisor. They should be written to the investment advisor's firm or preferably directly to the custodian firm that is holding the assets.

9. Diversify. Don't put 100% of your investment in one hedge fund strategy like many Petters and Madoff investors did. They likely did this because they were getting such great returns (for a while) there. Now they are completely wiped out.

10. Watch your risk levels. Again many investors had most or all of their money invested with just one hedge fund strategy (Petters or Madoff). That is too risky for any investor.

11. Get your investment agreement in writing. It is smart to have an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) that outlines your investment strategy and parameters in writing. You should also have the investment agreement between you and the investment manager in writing.

12. Hedge funds can be risky. They are mostly unregulated, often secretive, expensive, and usually not transparent. You often don't know how much risk they are really taking.

13. Don't invest with a money-manager just because of their reputation. Check them out. Do some due diligence. Understand their strategies and make sure they make sense for you. Business success and social prominence doesn't ensure safety or soundness in investments. They also don't ensure the highest ethical standards.

14. Use common sense. Did it make sense that Petters could buy electronics from Sony and then sell it to Wal-Mart and make big returns? I don't think so. Wal-Mart is a smart company with big buying power and smart purchasing agents. Petters was in some of the toughest businesses in the world (electronics, airlines, Polaroid) and was supposedly making huge money in them? Madoff made 1% each month in stocks when the market was down big or up. Does that make sense? How can he do that? Ask the questions.

15. Don't invest in things you don't understand. This is one of the best rules of investing. You should understand the structure of the firm you are working with, the investment philosophy, and the investment process. I'm sure most of Madoff's investors had no idea what his "split strike conversion" equity strategy was. How many investments do you own that you don't understand?

16. Avoid "secretive" and "unusual" investment strategies and managers. Demand transparency. Ask lots of questions. Read through your brokerage statements carefully to make sure you understand what is going on. Petters and Madoff were both secretive about how they were producing these great returns and discouraged investors from asking about their "proprietary" strategies. Madoff would toss investors out who asked too many questions.

The Petters/Madoff scandals are another reason for investors to lose confidence and trust in the financial markets. Most investment advisors and money managers are good and honest people.

Keith Tufte
Longview Wealth Management, LLC.

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Keith Tufte - EzineArticles Expert Author


Is Now a Good Time to Invest?
By Nicholas Swezey

The right time to get back in the market may be just around the corner. With global economies sinking, sometimes dramatically, it can be a scary thought to put your hard-earned money on the line. However, a smart investor will realize that golden opportunities are appearing if proper research is done.

If you look at a long-term chart of the Dow Jones average, you will see that it is currently at some of the 2002-2003 levels. It has dropped dramatically since the financial collapse of 2008-2009, but it is still in familiar territory. It may take another two years or more for a large upswing in the markets, but at least we hope that the Dow will not drop below 7,000 points. That may bring hope and some peace of mind about starting to invest again.

Dollar Cost Averaging

The concept of Dollar Cost Averaging comes to mind in the current market situation. It is the process of buying stocks or similar investments on a regular basis, such as once a month, using a fixed amount of money. When prices are low, you are able to buy more shares. When prices are high, you buy fewer. In this way, you are able to take advantage of temporary low prices. This is especially helpful for long-term investments, such as retirement accounts. It may go against human nature to buy stocks when everything is falling and red but in fact it can lead to a bigger payoff if done correctly.

Don't Wait Too Long

As soon as you believe the markets will not drop much more, that is the time to start investing. When an upswing begins, it may happen so fast that you will miss a good portion of it. There are literally billions of dollars of cash on the sidelines, just waiting to go back into the market when the time is right. You can imagine what impact that might have on prices because of a surging demand but limited supply of stocks and mutual funds. Don't wait too long!

Which Companies to Buy

There are a lot of low-priced stocks right now. Don't jump into any old stock just because the price is low. There may be good reasons for it, such as the company being dangerously close to bankruptcy. One popular example is GM. Their stock price has dropped incredibly far. Is it a good deal? The government will probably not allow them to go into bankruptcy because that could have catastrophic affects on the country. Even if they survive, though, they may not thrive, and the stock price might hold its value or drop even more. Nobody can predict the future of GM. This is just an example of how difficult it can be to make a trading decision at the present time.

You also need to consider how the company is adapting to the economy. Are they offering low-price items to their customers? Are they reducing expenses significantly, such as layoffs, to stay in business? Do they have access to enough credit to stay operational? These are very important questions to consider before making a trade.

Will the Economy Get Worse?

This is probably the single most important factor that traders are considering right now. Why put your money into investments if they are just going to drop again? The government is trying hard to stabilize the economy, but there are many experts who believe there is more doom and gloom in the future, with more foreclosures, bank failures, and lost jobs on the way. A lot of this depends on how the government handles the situation and how the public perceives their actions. If the public believes things are stabilized, they will begin to spend and invest again, businesses will have more money and they can hire more people, and the economy can begin to thrive again. When this will happen, nobody knows for sure. Hopefully in 2009 it will, but it may be 2010 or later.

Nicholas Swezey helps people learn about Day Trading on his site,

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Do You Make These Mistakes in Investing? - 6 Mistakes Almost Any Investor Makes!
By Alex Frost

When it comes to investing your money, learning from other people's mistakes is very important.

Here are 6 common mistakes investors tend to make:

  • Putting All Your Eggs In One Basket: you should always diversify. What works today may not work tomorrow, so try to have a well-balanced portfolio. Putting all your trust in one stock can lead to devastating results.
  • Not Having a Plan: you have to be very clear about the reason you are investing. It's very important to set your objectives from the start and be very specific about your goals. What to you expect from your investment? Do you want to earn enough money to buy a house or a car? Do you have short term or long term goals?
  • Trying to take shortcuts: the get-rich-quick mentality rarely pays off. Following a solid long term policy may not make you a millionaire overnight, but it will give you steady profits.
  • Not Using Your Own Judgment: it is one thing to get professional advice and a completely another to leave all the decisions up to the "experts". Seek guidance from someone who has expertise in the field and listen to their recommendations, but keep in mind that the final decision about any investment should be only yours.
  • Letting Emotions Take Control: when the market drops some people succumb to fear and sell prematurely. Greed is also a problem, because you may end up buying stocks that aren't worth their price.
  • Lack of Dedication: many people get really excited at first, but give up when they meet any obstacle. Always make your investments for the long term and continue to do whatever it takes until your objectives are met.

To become a successful investor you don't need much money. One of the best markets to make money out of a small investment, is the forex market. If you use it right you can see monthly returns of at least 100%.

Click Here to find out how to invest in the forex market. Read this Forex Systems Review!

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Exactly How You Should Invest Right Now to Double Your Income
By Raymond Aaron

The Sky Is Falling!

Everyone is wondering what to do. Everyone is fearful.

Actually that's not true at all. The unschooled, untrained, unknowing Masses are indeed fearful. They are reading the newspaper headlines each day and getting more and more worried for their jobs, their businesses, their investments, their retirement. But, not everyone is fearful. Some people are happy. Gleeful. Self-assured. These are the Rich People. They know exactly what to do.

In this brief article, I will explain exactly what to do.

First, go right back to basics. What is the Number One rule for investing success? That rule is ...

Buy Low Sell High

If it's so short (four words) and so easy to understand, why isn't everyone following it? There indeed is a reason why the Broke People do not follow it. Here is that reason.

Prices are low when there is a problem. Prices do not like chaos, problems, uncertainty. So, they fall. When there is a problem, prices are low. Rich People see the low prices, they remember the rule "Buy Low Sell High" and they buy. Broke People see the problem, get fearful reading the headlines of the newspapers, forget the rule of wise investing, and run. Yes, run away from investing -- right when prices are low.

So, what are rich people doing right now?

Buy Low

Rich people are racing to buy US real estate. I personally just bought a duplex in a major city. It was listed at $530,000. The sellers were extremely eager to sell. In a very brief several-day negotiation, they lowered the price by a shocking $100,000 to only $430,000. So, I bought it. I see the problem; I see the low prices; I buy.

Now, let's look at the other side of the coin.

Sell High

Just look at the newspapers and besides seeing that real estate prices are low, you will see that gold prices are high.

The previous all-time high gold price, on January 21 1980, was $850. The World waited for almost three decades for gold to get near that price. Then, on January 3rd, gold broke that high. Then, on March 13, gold broke through the $1,000 per ounce barrier for the first time ever!

Now that there is so much good news about Gold, The Masses are buying gold and dumping their real estate. Weird. What am I doing? What are rich people doing? We are selling all our gold and silver. I had hundreds of pounds of silver in my safe and hundreds of grams of gold and some platinum all locked away in my safe. I bought when prices were low. I've just sold it all over the last few days.

Your Turn

You may now be brooding that you have no gold to sell and have no cash to buy real estate. So, what should you do? First get into practice by selling anything you've got that you can part with that contains gold or silver - old jewelry, silver cutlery, etc. Second, do anything you can to get into an investment property right now, even if you have to joint venture with some friends to raise the down payment. Get started. Begin investing correctly.

Sell when prices are high, even if all your friends are buying.

Buy when prices are low, even if there are problems.

Join Raymond Aaron on Twitter @RaymondAaron.

Join Raymond Aaron Double Your Income Facebook Fan Page.

Raymond Aaron,
New York Times Top Ten Bestselling Author, "Double Your Income Doing What You Love"

Raymond Aaron interviews the most famous people on earth once a month and sends these audio CDs to his subscribers around the world. Get TEN of the best interviews (Robert Kiyosaki, Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor, Dr. John Gray, T. Harv Eker, Stephen M. R. Covey, etc.) for only $1 at Interview of the Month

Raymond Aaron's blog has brilliant business insights twice per week at Double Your Income


Do You Have Enough Money to Retire?
By Susan St. Martin

Unfortunately national statistics tell us that only 2% of Americans are financially self sufficient when they retire, despite the fact that 85 million people invest in the stock market today. 9 out of 10 Americans must continue working or rely only on social security for their income with the average retiree receiving only $1,200 a month. Most of us are facing an unpleasant retirement scenario unless we change our investment strategy.

The stock market is volatile and unpredictable and is an ineffective and risky way to secure your retirement. Companies like Enron, Broadcom and countless others have cost thousands of investors their life savings and remind us we only have one chance to secure our retirement. We cant' afford to waste it with under performing investments.

Our retirement specialist helps people secure their retirement by rolling over their existing IRA/retirement accounts out of the unstable stock-market into secured, high yielding investments that provide long-term appreciation and stability that can save you years of time in reaching your financial goals. That is why this could be the most important article you will ever read.

Because having the right investments in your portfolio can mean the difference between financial security and dependence on government support.

In fact, where you invest your money now will determine the quality of your retirement.

Superior Yield and Rock Solid Security

For example, our favorite secured investment has historically enjoyed a 15.82% average rate of return with no market risk. In fact, institutional investors like Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffet's company) have been investing in this for years as it is the only investment asset that will retain its value and gross profit regardless of how the stock-market performs.

Keep More of What You Earn

Did you pay too much in income taxes last year? There is one investment vehicle where the U.S. government will actually allow you to write off up to 90% of your investment from your ordinary income turning a tax liability into a potential income stream that is tax sheltered and could provide you and your family with income for years and even decades.

A Golden Opportunity

Since the dawn of civilization GOLD has been the ultimate hedge against uncertainty. Today there is a gold investment that is selling at a 97% discount to its value!

These investment opportunities are some of Wall Street's best kept secrets, that you will never hear about from your stock broker or mutual fund manager, but you will be amazed and surprised to learn that these strategies are what the smart money have been using for years for both profit and protection. You have a chance to reposition your retirement/investment assets out of the unstable stock market into secured and tax advantaged investments that offer both long-term appreciation and stability. It could be one of the most important decisions you will ever make.

To continue to learn more about how you can strengthen your portfolio for your retirement years by investing in sound secure investments visit to sign up for our newsletter.

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Invest Stock Or Invest Forex?

By John H. Anderson

Right now, the market thinking is that stock markets and their potential to deliver profits have been cut short of late. No one is surprised that the shrinking economy has just a direct impact on the stock market itself, and this means that more and more investors all over the world are liquidating their investments and pulling out in fear that the red marks on the stock market will just snowball and bankrupt everybody.

Of course this is not true for now as these companies have their own safety nets, coupled with the government bail outs to increase investor confidence. Still, this is not a good time to come in - not with Congress and the Obama administration still being at odds of what should be placed and where. Knowing this, it is time to go back to the fundamentals of trading - with a commodity that will always have the potential to rewards. This of course Is the Forex market, whose liquidity, large payoffs and minimal bureaucracy have attracted a whole host of retail investors, who normally avoided it due to the large volatility issue within the market.

Now, more players see this volatility as a sign of the market being strong, as when currencies stabilise and there is little movement, people do not make money and thus the market becomes stagnant. Invest Forex because it is the market that will reward those who work hard enough to put themselves in line with positive price movements - combining research, systems and strategies to make good profits.

John H. Anderson is a specialist in Forex Trading with more than a decade of experience. He owns where he provides his Forex Trading Review

Click here to get your "Master Plan of The Forex Millionaires" FREE !

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5 Sure Fire Ways to Avoid Investment Fraud
By Christopher Muir

For anyone that has ever looked for investments on the internet, you have probably come across HYIP oriented investments. HYIP is an abbreviation for High Yield Investment Program, which refers to a type of investment where the investor has the potential to generate a substantial return on their investment. This sounds great, except that the overwhelming majority - and I do mean the overwhelming majority - of these supposed investment funds are frauds. This article will tell you the main things can alert you to a fraud before you end up putting your money in one.

1. They Guarantee High Returns

No credible fund manager would ever, ever promise a guaranteed return on their investment. Why? Well, simply because genuine investments don't operate like that. You may have months and years of extremely impressive returns, only to be followed by periods of unimpressive or negative returns. Historical expectations are fine, but they can't predict the future. If you are looking into an investment that promises a guaranteed rate of return (and its not some kind of low yield fixed income investment), then you should stay away. This is definitely one of the biggest fraud signs to look out for.

2. They Promise Against Loses

This is somewhat related to the first point, but it pertains to the investment's risk level. One day, out of complete curiosity, I went on to live support with one of the large HYIP sites. When I asked about the security of my investment, I was told that it was completely safe and protected. When I enquired further, the person that I was speaking with couldn't explain how this was possible, aside from stating that it would be managed by professionals who have been trading for many years, and that it was diversified. None of this is an assurance of safety, and is simply a façade for the uninformed. The last straw came when they mentioned to me that it was also guaranteed by some other secretive fund full of cash. Even if there was such a source of capital, how could it be sufficient to pay back the principal for all of their investors if they collapsed? Frankly, it couldn't - and realistically, it doesn't need to, since it doesn't really exist in the first place. Any reputable money manager is going to be candid with you about the risks of the investment. If they try to claim that they have no risk, or attempt to obfuscate their level of risk, it is best to give them a miss.

3. They Take Direct Control Of Your Money

Anyone familiar with the Madoff fiasco should know that one of the first ways to spot a fraud or ponzi scheme is if you are sending your checks directly to them. Scammers are usually very skilled - more skilled, in fact, than many legitimate investment funds - at setting up easy ways for you to send them your money. You can usually wire it, send a check to them, or even use paypal. Customers are often fooled by the guise of professionalism that this creates and don't notice the insidious problem: they are sending their money directory to a firm that could well be a scam, with absolutely no 3rd party oversight. Genuine investment firms house their money at an independent custodian, so the client is able to have their account in their own name, with no potential for fraud on the part of the investment firm. This is definitely more tedious in terms of paperwork for the client, but the lack of this necessary safeguard is a easy way to spot a fraudster.

4. They Aren't Sufficiently Transparent

Most of these investment scams won't allow you full access to your account. Sure, they might send you monthly statements, but that means absolutely nothing. A statement can be forged to swindle $50 Billion from many large investors, so they can definitely be very convincing. Instead, what you need is the ability to actually login to your account, allowing you to view every activity that happens in your account as it occurs. This includes making an trade, taking an trade loss or gain, and any fees charged to the account.

Finally, I would even be hesitant about trusting the ability to access this information through the investment company in question. Many of these frauds have complex software, capable of reproducing what your investments should be doing, even if your capital isn't really invested at all. As with the previous red flag, the only sure fire way to avoid an investment scam is if you are able to access your account information through a third party custodian, rather than directory through the investment firm.

5. They Aren't Able To Explain Their Market Edge

No successful investment fund is going to give away the specific details of how they generate returns, but they should be able to offer a verbal overview of their market inefficiency. If they are unwilling to do this, or if they give some convoluted explanation, you should be suspicious. It doesn't have to be incredibly complex, but they should be able to offer you a general idea of how they are able to profit.

Finally, don't be tricked by people who claim to have gotten regular payments on Internet forums or investment review sites. Firstly, they could obviously be fake - but even more likely, as in the case of ponzi scams, they may well have gotten payments. In a ponzi scheme investors get regular payments that come from the initial investment in their account or the accounts of fellow investors. Regular distributions is no sign that it isn't a scam; in fact, returns that are too regular may well be the sign that it is a fraud, since real investments are not cash machines, and tend to go through up and down periods. That said, with this guide, you should be able to avoid any investment frauds that you encounter. Just remember that any one of these by itself isn't automatically a deal breaker. If they the red flag goes up for several of these, however, I would be very apprehensive of investing any money with that firm.

Christopher Muir is President and CEO of Invariant Capital Management, a New York-based managed Forex fund. Invariant specializes exclusively in robust, systematic trading strategies, focusing primarily on the G10 currencies.

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Four Investing Mistakes You Should Keep Away From
By Rick Goldfeller

Investing as early as possible is very advisable. Having investments gives you an opportunity to accumulate more wealth. There are various ways where you can put your money. You can invest in stocks, real estate, mutual funds, bonds and other financial instruments. There are kinds of investments where profit is really big. However, not all investments are perfect. There are instances of investing mistakes you will encounter. As much as possible you should be careful about your investment strategies. Even experienced investors made mistakes. So, if you want to start investing for your future, you must avoid mistakes. Of course, it is inevitable to make mistakes but at least you can avoid it.

If you have enough knowledge, you will be able to handle all your investments well. Investing is not always a success. You will also deal with failures especially if you're just starting. One of the common investing mistakes is untimely investments. Before you should contemplate on investing, you should be aware of your resources. Make sure you have excess money in your account. Your basic needs must not suffer because of your investing decisions. Some people invest money even though they still have lots of outstanding debts. The very purpose of having investment is sufficiency of resources. If you're still not ready, then don't do it.

You should clear all your debts before deciding to have your first investment. Part also of the investing mistakes is not doing a research on particular investment. For example, some people will just put their money in mutual funds because they heard success stories. Don't you ever do that- it's different for every investors. It's all right to invest in profitable investment but make sure to have a particular knowledge about it. If you want to invest in real estate, you should be aware of the real estate industry. Determine the ways on how you can gain profit in your investment.

Another mistake you can avoid is looking for fast results. Always remember that investing is like gambling. You will never know what will happen to your investment. If the universe will conspire to your favor, then you'll be lucky. Not all investment leads to profits. There are times when your investment strategy will not work out. Investments mistakes also constitute lack of diversification. It's not advisable to stick with one investment only. If you have already invested in real estate, try other kinds of investments. You can either invest in stocks, bonds and others. There are high risks investments which gives you big profits.

Remember the rule of financial leverage. If you will hit the jackpot, you'll be lucky. But if you're in the losing side, you'll incur extreme losses. It's better to have diversified investments. Make sure not to put all your money in just one trade. Try to diversify as much as possible. Lastly, investing mistakes include not paying attention to investments. Some investors often lose their interest. They are just interested at first then the next time, they don't follow up anymore. The best thing to do is to keep updates on your investments. Investing is really healthy on your financial resources.

It will increase your wealth and create abundance in your life. Just make sure to invest wisely.

The author of this article Rick Goldfeller is an underground Financial Analyst who has been successfully running campaigns for several wealthy clients. Rick finally decided to go public and share his knowledge and experience through his website You can sign up for his free newsletter and join his coaching program.

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Money Investment

Ways to Make Serious Money With a Small Investment
By Alex Cadens

I have seen how often people reject the idea of investing, simply because they do not have to much money to spare and they do not know the next thing about managing an investment. I have been there myself, and I was one of those individuals who used to think that I would only be able to make a living out of my money once I had reached at least $500,000 in my bank account.

But a while ago I realized that in order to make money out of my money I would not have to wait 30 years and work 20 hours per day until I was 60 years old and I had my half of a million dollars. On the contrary, I learned that all I needed was a small amount of money, and some cutting edge technology to manage the risk of my investment myself.

Indeed, when you give your money to an institution and you accept to be paid an insignificant interest rate, you do so because they are supposed to be the experts and you have no idea how to manage the risk involved in investing your money.

However, if you can overcome the challenge of managing such risk, there is no reason not to stay in the sidelines and you can start thinking big without being big. In other words, if you learn how to manage your investment, whether it is through education or the use of reliable investing tools, you will be able to make a lot of money with only a small initial investment.

Imagine for a moment that you could achieve a 20% monthly return on your investment. Well, in this scenario an initial investment of $200 could turn into $13,249.47 after only 24 months. So you see, you can make serious money with just a little of it and without being reckless; all you will need to make a profitable investment is know-how and/or a solid investing toolbox.